Hello everyone! Welcome to Heataholic.com!
It is my pleasure to welcome you to my blog! So, the first thing you are probably wondering as you’re reading this is – Just WHO is this Heataholic guy?
Well, as mentioned in the “About Me” section – I’m a corporate performance management consultant during the day and a blogger at night. And 24/7/365, I’m a lover of spicy, vegetarian food. Yes, you read that right – I’m a vegetarian. No red meat, white meat or seafood. But love eggs.
“But wait!” you ask – doesn’t that mean you’re a vegan? Nope. I, like most vegetarians, eat animal by-products, just not the “animals” themselves. Put another way – you don’t have to kill a cow to get milk, but you do to get a T-bone steak. Vegetarians drink the milk but avoid the steak, vegans eschew both. But, like most things in life, it’s all a spectrum, not a hard-and-fast line.
OK, back to the post at hand – Heataholic! Heataholic (aka me – sometimes, I refer to myself in the 3rd person!) is a guy who has both a love for and a tolerance for spice that very few people in the world have. Since he was 5 years old, he (and those around him) realized how much he loves spicy food and always pushes the envelope. This love of spicy food has drawn lots of oohs, aahs and jaw-drops from everyone – family, friends, co-workers – and the desire for more and more spice, aka HEAT, has only grown over the years, giving him the name “Heataholic”! Whether it’s downing an entire bottle of Frank’s Hot Sauce or dumping an entire container of crushed red pepper flakes onto his pizza, Heataholic is a sight to behold for those around him!
Heataholic has also realized over the years, that two of his other passions are helping people and writing. In the workplace, he spends a good chunk of his day writing end editing business documents of all sorts and guiding and mentoring those around him to perform at their best. So he figured – why not take this triumvirate of passions – spicy food, helping others and writing – and turn it into something meaningful…thus, the birth of Heataholic!
“But tell us more!” you say – okay, fair enough. I’m a resident of suburban Austin, TX – the live music capital of the world and headquarters of Torchy’s Tacos! And yes, in case you are wondering, I have drank an entire bottle of their diablo sauce in one sitting!
Here, at Heataholic, no matter who you are – a fellow Heataholic or someone who finds powdered sugar to spicy or somewhere in between, a foodie, vegetarian, vegan, carnivore, or someone who’s just plain curious about “heat” in the context of food – I welcome you with open arms! No matter what you’re looking for – spicy sauces, recipes, restaurant and spicy entree recommendations, recipes, or general tips and tricks, you’ll find them here!
So sit back, relax and enjoy the heat!